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Gin & Tonic Menus for free!

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Published: 08 Jul 2015


Fever-Tree are offering to design and print bespoke Gin & Tonic menus for customers who stock three or more tonics!



This is a great offer  based on research last year which proved that these menus really do increase the sale of premium gin, as well as increasing sales of gin and tonic as a whole.

It's a great chance to educate your customers on what premium gins are available and tempt them to try something different, new and exciting!

All you have to do is submit a list of the gins you stock - up to 25.

List which Fever-Tree tonics you stock (ginger ale and bitter lemon are taken as tonics).

Supply a hi-res logo and your web site address to match your branding, or if you prefer send other brand guideline material.

Call the sales office on 0800 028 0511 


Call the sales office on 01747 827030 or email

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